How can a day so dark and full of sorrow and pain and death be good?
We break the matzah bread with the holes representing His piercings and strips symbolizing the stripes that bring me healing.
He said, after He had given thanks, and broken the unleavened bread, 'This is my body, broken for you.'
I don't know if I will ever comprehend the extent of the grief He bore, the way He carried my sorrows, how he was smitten by God, afflicted.
I don't know of I will ever appreciate how he was wounded for my transgressions, crushed for my iniquities.
He bore all this in His body on the tree, broken for me, becoming sin, making intercession that I would be made whole. He, in love, was crushed.
I can only weep with Him in His death. I can only weep in sorrow at the foot of the cross with Him, bearing my sin.
And with Him, give thanks. For it is finished. And it is good.
Reflecting and writing on the word prompt given here for Five Minute Friday at Lisa-Jo's place.
This week the prompt is: Broken
Officially, the rules are:
2. Link up at Lisa-Jo's and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community...
Such a heartbreaking event, yet yields such rejoicing in being restored to our God. Beautiful reflections.
ReplyDeleteHi Rebekah, I'm stopping by from FMF and like you I wrestle with the "good" in Good Friday. Of course I know the spiritual good, but each year my heart hurts a little bit more as I reflect on the brutal beating He took in my stead. Good and awful all at once. I hope your Easter is blessed.
ReplyDeleteIt is quite difficult to picture the crucifixion. I'm glad He didn't stay in the tomb though and that He gives gifts to all men in this Year of Jubilee! Thanks, Jenn
ReplyDeleteStanding with you tonight and giving much thanks...