Jehovah was not in the wind. And after the wind, an earthquake: Jehovah was not in the earthquake.
And after the earthquake, a fire: Jehovah was not in the fire. And after the fire, a soft gentle voice. (1Kings 19:11-12)

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Pilgrim of Eternity ~ A Prayer ~ Endless Thanks

On a rainy day in November I scratch down #1000 for 2012.

I count these gifts; compose this gratitude list. I’ve done this on and off since 2008. At times, I jot the gifts down and remember. Other times, when panic pounces and anxiety ambushes I open my eyes wide and look for the endless gifts. Ann writes in her book, “The only way to fight a feeling is with a feeling…We can only experience one emotion at a time. And we get to choose–which emotion do we want to feel?” So I {try to} choose gratitude {most of the time}.

I turn the page and there in my journal I have pasted in these words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer:
“In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.”


And I wonder how is it not good enough to just list the things I am thankful for. Don't I need to always give thanks to the Giver. Always remember that "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." That the act of giving and the gift received is from the one who never changes ~ the eternal God.
"O Eternal God, though Thou art not such as I can see with my eyes or touch with my hands, yet grant me this day a clear conviction of Thy reality and power . . . give me grace to understand the world I cannot see or touch is the most real world of all . . .
For the power Thou hast given me to lay hold of things unseen:
For the strong sense I have that this is not my home:
For my restless heart which nothing finite can satisfy:
                                       I give Thee thanks, O God.
For the invasion of my soul by Thy Holy Spirit:
For all human love and goodness that speak to me of Thee:
For the fullness of they glory outpoured in Jesus Christ:
                                       I give Thee thanks, O God.
I, a pilgrim of eternity, stand before Thee, O Eternal One. Let me not seek to deaden or destroy the desire for Thee that disturbs my heart. Let me rather yield myself to its constraint and go where it leads me. Make me wise to see all things to-day under the form of eternity, and make me brave to face all the changes in my life which such a vision may entail: through the grace of Christ my Saviour. Amen"
~ John Baillie, A Diary of Private Prayer

We boast, we glory in the one who is the Great I Am. 

I can boast because The Eternal One has made Himself known to me.

I can count His gifts, His grace because by His Spirit He has invaded my soul.

And for all the gifts that I see, oh, the marvellous wonder of all the gifts that by His power He has given to me of things unseen ~ the things eternal.

I search for things that are seen and unseen that I may give thanks to the One who practices steadfast love. And I keep practicing seeing and giving thanks for His steadfast love.



  1. Wow, what a perfect time to reach 1000! Celebrate that accomplishment!

    1. Thanks Anna. Yes, our Thanksgiving here is in October, but how wonderful that we can give thanks all year. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving.


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