(It has been a long time since I posted my thanksgiving and I have kept a list on paper, but I will continue here from where I left off on paper)
245. Silence in the house on a Monday afternoon - one baby now sleeping and two other children at swimming lessons with husband.
246. a healthy 'new' (2 months new) baby girl sleeping
247. baby smiles and sounds
248. safe delivery and fairly decent recovery
249. help during the tough first weeks
250. hot meals and frozen meals prepared for us
251. gift bags overflowing and cluttering up my living room floor from a church baby shower held for us yesterday with new church friends
252. big sister loving little sister
253. big brother loving little sister

254. seeing husband delight in his little girl
255. the servant heart so evident in my husband
256. piano festival - two golds and a silver for big sister
257. fun evening at talent night with old church friends
258. coloured egg shells that will now become little pots to plant seeds for garden
259. books lying around
260. answering machine to take messages when busy
261. children's artwork submitted to artshow
262. dishes in soapy water dirtied from simple meals today
263. food to prepare simple meals
264. laundry in washer and dryer and folded on chair
265. baby baths
266. little boy knees dirty from helping Daddy
267. little boy humour that keeps us laughing
268. tender girl heart - oh so tender
269. four year old on two wheeler
270. help from my mom
271. brown battered dirty mixer ~ birthday cake for our almost 9 year old
272. noises on a Monday afternoon - baby now awake and children and husband home from swimming.
273. phone calls in the evening
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17
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