The light has come and the darkness has not overcome it.
The day came that The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and the light shone and we beheld his glory.
These are the glorious truths we've been helping one anther hide in our hearts for you need to have the Truth inside you can let it shine forth.
We became children of the light.
And we who are of the day are encouraged to encourage one another. We need to be given courage to give courage. We can claim the nickname, "Barnabas" the "son of encouragement" and give courage to one another.
We who are children of the light are to come along side and inspire one another to "remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose."
The days may be long and the nights may be dark.
But we are not living in the darkness and the Light has come to infuse our days with hope.
I thing, there must be someone walking beside me today that is weak and discouraged that needs me to be Barnabas, to help her see her purpose and together we see remember to breath deep breaths of grace, and bring back to mind that the light will never be overcome. So don't give up.
For more that likely, tomorrow, I'll need you to be Barnabas for me, as we both know I need to see Christ in you on the days I just can't seem to see the Light in me.
Let's keep on walking in the light, cleaving to the Lord, encouraging one another with our lives.
Linking with Five Minute Friday at Lisa-Jo's place. This week the prompt is: Encouragment
Officially, the rules are:
2. Link up at Lisa-Jo's and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community...
What a beautiful thought. I had never quite thought of Barnabas that way and yet I knew he was an encourager. Yes, we can walk beside each other as a Barnabas. I also love the pictures at the top.
ReplyDeleteTake Care.
Great way to see encouragement. I found you on Lisa Jo's page but have been here before because I like your Facebook page. :) Do you have Twitter?
Janis www.janiscox.com Author of Tadeo Turtle
i'm a neighbor at FMF. enjoyed reading your post...and blog. interesting to read about your childhood Ca! nice to meet you:)