You will find something far greater in the woods than you will find in books.
Stones and trees will teach you that which you will never learn from masters.
Stones and trees will teach you that which you will never learn from masters.
--St. Bernard of Clarivaux
September had brought a crisp morning air. First day of school for this year. Fishing.
When we first stared homeschooling I would have had a hard time doing this. I thought that we should start school 'properly'. This in now our seventh year! Hard to believe. But I have come to realize that "the acquisition of mere learning is not necessarily education at all." (Charlotte Mason)

Although the 'fishermen' came in empty handed this time and quite cold it was a great way to start the year. After a snack, some reading and math we were off on a nature walk. A casual walk of observing, collecting treasures, and the grade 5 student capturing photos of things that were of interest to her.

A good day of curiously discovering.
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