" . . . to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us
accepted in the Beloved."
(Ephesians 1:6)

The rain pelts and the storm rages.
The enemy attacks,
the tempest threatens,
we doubt ourselves.
His grace continues to cascade down.
He pours out His blessings,
He has chosen us,
made us alive and new in Christ.
He became sin to redeemed His Bride,
He has pursued us with His grace and compassed us with His favour
and see how He embraces us in His arms of grace.
Accepted is a kindred word to grace in the greek.
As He pours out His grace,
it is to those who are in THE Beloved that He has made acceptable
to come before a Holy God and honours with blessings
beyond the scope of our imagination.
Praise be to Him. The Beloved who has called us to be His.
"I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me."
(Song of Solomon 7:10)
So beautiful!