For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39)
We were helping at our Chapel's youth retreat this past weekend. Although we did not get very much sleep it was a privilege to help and get to know our young people a bit more. We had some time as a family to enjoy God's creation as well.
The speaker was challenging the young people to be prepared to give and answer when they are challenged regarding things of the Bible. Is God real? Creation. Our eternal security.
He suggested one cannot prove that God is real scientifically (the speaker is a scientist) but when one knows Christ as Lord and Saviour, it cannot be denied that God is real! People deny God is real because they do not want to face the reality of what it means if God is real! We are all created with that desire to worship - if we do not worship God we will worship something.
He reminded the young people of our eternal security if we have accepted Christ as our Personal Lord and Saviour. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. His gift of salvation is a gift He does not take back. We have no fear of losing our salvation if we are truly saved.
What a salvation is given to me!
Lord, thank you that nothing will separate me from your love.
Neither Height, nor Depth, nor Breadth
The chords of love bind me above
To One who never changes;
Nor time, nor space can e’er efface,
His boundless love for me.
To One who never changes;
Nor time, nor space can e’er efface,
His boundless love for me.
Neither height, nor depth, nor breadth, shall separate me
From the love of Him who shed His precious blood;
Neither height, nor depth, nor breadth, shall separate me
From the love of God.
From the love of Him who shed His precious blood;
Neither height, nor depth, nor breadth, shall separate me
From the love of God.
The price He gave, my soul to save,
Upon the cross of anguish;
The shame and woe, O who can know,
How much He cared for me.
Upon the cross of anguish;
The shame and woe, O who can know,
How much He cared for me.
His love complete, with joys replete,
Supplies my every longing;
It brings no pain, no loss, but gain,
The love He gives to me.
Supplies my every longing;
It brings no pain, no loss, but gain,
The love He gives to me.
Helen Virginia Armacost (1886-1950)
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