Jehovah was not in the wind. And after the wind, an earthquake: Jehovah was not in the earthquake.
And after the earthquake, a fire: Jehovah was not in the fire. And after the fire, a soft gentle voice. (1Kings 19:11-12)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

It's No Secret: How To Live Every Single Day of Your Life To its Fullest {Words of Life Wednesday}

{Join us below for Words of Life Wednesdays with a link-up of your post.
We'd love to hear how God's Word has been nourishing you.}
{Also linking with Coffee For Your Heart}

Life takes on a whole new depth when you live each day like it could be your last.

Suddenly life is not a matter of length of days, but a measure of how full the days you lived.

When you don't know if you will be able to watch your children grow up into adulthood or grow old with your beloved, life becomes precious, fragile, invaluable.

I don't live every moment believing that it is, but I do wake up and consciously am aware that I have opened my eyes to a new day. 

I'd like to say that that is enough for me to make the most out of every second of the day, but it's not.

I still waste moments. I throw away opportunities. I cower in fear.

When dying young is a threat in your day to day life, you sometimes forget to live. It's not that you are consumed with morbid thoughts, it's only that fear can paralyze you from the neck up.

Fear of the known as much as the unknown can keep you from living life to the fullest.

We desire to live abundant lives but our lives are far from full when they are filled with fear.

No one wants to live an empty life. But we let the frigid fingers of fear tighten their grip on our lives.

How do we loosen this hold that cages us into living small pitiful lives?

The present hand of the Lord in our lives is what releases us from these pointed fingers of fear.

The knowledge that the Lord is near is what allows you to live without worry, fear, and anxiety.

Right before Paul exhorted the Philippians to not be anxious about anything, he reminded them that the Lord is at hand.
The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. {Philippians 5:5-7}
The way to overcome fear is to be confident that the Lord is near.

There is no such thing as fear when you are secure in presence of the Lord.

He is in our midst, a present help, and he is coming to make all things right again. 

The promise that He is coming again should make us live every day of our present lives ready for all eternity.

The promise that the Lord is with us and is coming again empowers us to not be anxious about anything, gives us confidence to come before the throne of grace, and grants us a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Do you desire to live every day to its fullest?

Know that the Lord is near and be free from fear and filled with the peace of God.

Would you join us here in this little community by leaving a comment or linking up below with your blog post and share the Words of Life that have stirred in your heart.
Be sure to link with the url of your post and please leave some encouragement on another blog that has joined us here.
On the side panel you will find a blog button for Words or Life Wednesdays that others may come back here and link-up with us. 
Thank you for pulling up a chair and pouring a giant chalice of grace while feasting on Words of Life.


The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Rebekah, I truly needed these words today as my husband heads out on a mission. My thoughts can easily be filled with fear but I need to remember the Lord goes with him too. Today, I want to rejoice for all He is. Instead of being lowered in fear of the what ifs, to be lowered in prayer. May God fill us all with the peace found in knowing He is always near. Praying for you too, friend. Much love. xoxo

  2. I am so thankful that He gives us His peace. Such a sweet gift!

  3. "Fear of the known as much as the unknown can keep you from living life to the fullest." Me too. Praying for freedom from fear and living life full- and thankful for the grace when we forget. You are a blessing Rebekah, thank you for the authenticity of these words.:)

  4. You are such a light even in your own season of fear. I hold your words gently and pray the your soul is refreshed today by the peace of God. (I sent you a DM on facebook, Rebekah, since I couldn't find an email address)

  5. This was so beauitful and powerful, Rebakah! Praying for peace to reign!

  6. A most beautiful post, Rebekah! Powerful truth right here ---> " The way to overcome fear is to be confident that the Lord is near. He is in our midst, a present help, and he is coming to make all things right again." He is with you. With us. Faithful to each of us. A most comforting & strengthening promise! Praying for you, Rebekah!

  7. Thank you so much, Rebekah, for sharing this powerful insight and deep wisdom God is teaching you through your pain. Praying God will uncage you and set you free from fear as you travel this uncertainty of life and give you joy in however many moments are left.

  8. Thank you so much for this powerful message, Rebekah. It spoke to me deeply, as I've been in a season of anxiety since my dad died in January - the frigid fingers of fear do indeed grip tightly at times. Your words were so encouraging, and I am once again turning to Him for His mighty rescue, and for the peace that only HE can give.


  9. Thank you for sharing this, Rebekah. While I can't identify with what you're experiencing, there are things in your post that can apply to anyone. A couple of years ago something very unexpected and tragic changed the course of my life. Moving forward, making decisions, just living one day to the next all became very scary. God's word was the only solid thing my life. He was the only person I could truly trust and rely on. There were times that I could not feel His presence. That was the hardest part. But He sustained me. My faith {His gift to me} sustained me. I constantly pray for Him to increase my faith. That is my prayer for you today.

  10. We all should be living this way as none of us knows what breath will be our last. You used beautiful words to express this, and I know it can't have been easy. Thank you for laying your heart out there for all of us to see!

  11. I just love your words as you walk this journey! Thank you for sharing and allowing me to be a tiny part of your journey! These words really spoke to my heart today: "The present hand of the Lord in our lives is what releases us from these pointed fingers of fear." Sending love & hugs to you today, friend.

  12. Thanks for sharing with us at Testimony Tuesday, friend!


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